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“We have to pierce the tunnels of loneliness with the conviction that there are other people, and one has to trust that one is led to them.” ~ Thomas H. Meyer
By Catherine Austin Fitts
Everywhere I turn, I encounter people of faith who have been alienated from institutions that traditionally had provided them with spiritual, cultural, and community support. Many have left their places of worship, their church homes, and their temples.
In this period of uncertainty and change, we are looking for ways to move forward – to nurture our faith and our soul in the midst of a spiritual war, to rebuild communities that have been drained by financial debasement and lawlessness, and to embrace cultures that help us overcome corruption and tyranny.
One person who can help us see into the heart of things and find our way forward is Thomas H. Meyer. This week, we launch Spiritual Science Academy – a website dedicated to a new course by Thomas about the work of Rudolf Steiner – Spiritual Science in the Present Age.
On Thursday, Thomas joins me for an introductory conversation for subscribers about Spiritual Science Academy and his new course. We will also publish the first lecture, “How Do I Find the Christ?” To me, there is no more important question before us right now. The lecture series is public, so please pass this first lecture on.
We have added a library to the web presentation, which includes all the wonderful Solari Report interviews with Thomas over the last five years. These have also been made public, so they can be circulated widely.
Thomas Meyer is a great teacher of Rudolf Steiner’s work – and of so much more. I am thrilled that he has agreed to lead this effort for us. It is an honor to present his new and accumulated works to you.